65 year old female with uncontrolled diabetes
A 65 year old female presented to the department on 15th august with chief complaints of decreases Appetite ,weakness and vomiting since 6 days. HOPI : She was having the same complaint since 6 months.She had vomiting immediately after food intake.Vomiting was non bilious and non projectile. She also complained of onset of fever every evening and would last for 4 -5 days and would subside after taking paracetamol.She was admitted 6 months ago with complaints of fever and urinary incontinence.On investigating it was found that her serum creatinine levels were increased and was diagnosed with kidney disease. She also complained of hypersomnia since 6 months.There is significant weight loss. Past History: She was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes mellitus 20 years ago.And she takes insulin injection twice a day. She was also diagnosed with hypertension 6 months ago. Family history: No significant family hi...