
A 55 year male with unable to speak

 A 55 year old male patient resident of suryapet and laborer by occupation presented with chief complaints of unable to move his right hand and right leg and unable to speak since 3 days.  HOPI : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days back.On 7th morning, suddenly  he developed weakness in right upper and lower limb ,and was unable to speak.  No history of fever or vomiting  No history of loss of consciousness  No history of involuntary movements  No history of visual disturbances  No history of burning micturition  No history of constipation  Past History : 2 years ago he had weakness in the right upper limb for which they visited the local hospital in suryapet ,and the condition was cured after taking medications . He is a known case of Hypertension since 2 years . No history of Diabetes  No history of TB No history of Epilepsy  No history of Blood transfusions  Surgical history : 6 months ago he was operated for hydrocele.  Personal History:  Appetite : Normal  Diet : Mixe

A 65 year old male with fever ,body pains and vomitings .

 A 65 year old male patient resident of miriyalguda and farmer by occupation presented with chief complaints of fever ,body pains ,vomitings since 15 days . HOPI : The patient was apparently asymptomatic 20 days back. Then he developed fever which was insidious in onset ,high grade ,progressive and intermittent and was associated with chills and rigor ..He had vomitings as soon as he woke up in the morning which was non  projectile and billious and had food  as the content .He also gave the history of burning sensation in mouth and also complained that he had pain during swallowing . No history of constipation  No history of epigastric pain  No history of increased urinary urgency and dysuria  No hematuria  Past History: 15 days ago he was admitted in the local hospital as he had decreased urinary output and burning micturition.He was treated with antibiotics following which the condition resolved . No  history of Diabetes  No history of Hypertension  No history of epilepsy  No history

45 year old male patient with cough and fever

 A 45 year old male resident of mallapuram and farmer by occupation presents with chief complaints of fever  since 1 week and cough  since 3 days. HOPI: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 week ago .Then he developed fever which was sudden in onset ,gradually progressive and not associated with chills and rigor. He complained of nocturnal rise of temperature. He developed cough which was productive and blood tinged occasionally. He also complaints of burning sensation in the feet. No history of nausea and vomiting  No history of weight loss No history of burning micturition Past History : 3 years ago he met with electric shock .And 1 year ago he met with a RTA following which an implant was placed in his left hip . He is a K/C/O Diabetes since 2 years  No history of asthama ,hypertension ,epilepsy and blood transfusions . Personal History :  Appetite: Normal  Diet : Mixed  Sleep : Adequate  Bowel and Bladder : Normal  Addictions :  He has been drinking  3 -4 units  of whisky on a

A 55 year old male with slurred speech and drolling of saliva

 A 35 year old male resident of nalgonda and mechanic by occupation presented with chief complaints of slurred speech, drolling of saliva and difficulty in swallowing since today morning . HOPI:The patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 hrs back .Then he developed sudden onset of slurring of speech and dysphagia since 10 hrs .There is also drolling of saliva since 10 hrs . No history of loss of consciousness  No history of involuntary movements  No history of visual disturbances No history of fever ,vomiting  No history of trauma  Past History: a)2 years ago he presented with complaints of constipation and fever which was more at night and was diagnosed with hepatic encephalopathy secondary to ALD b) 1 year ago he presented with weakness in left lower limb and upper limb and deviation of mouth towards right side. And was diagnosed with acute ischemic CVA with left hemiperisis. He is a known case of Hypertension since 3 years and is on Tab.Telmisartan  No history of Diabetes Mellitus  N

A 35 year old male with generalised weakness and pain abdomen

 A 35 year old male patient resident of suryapet and carpenter by occupation presented with chief complaints of weakness ,shortness of breath and pain abdomen since 10 days . HOPI.: The patient was apparently asymptomatic 10 days ago.Then he developed diffuse pain in the abdomen which  was sudden in onset ,intermittent, continous ,dragging type without any aggrevating or releiving factors.He also complained of vomitings since 3 days which was non bilious and projectile. He also complained of constipation after admiting .They consulted a RMP following which there was a relief in the symptoms but after 2 days again the symptoms reappeared.  There is no history of burning micturition                 No history of cold or cough                No history of increased or decreased urinary frequency  Past History : No history of Diabetes Mellitus                          No history of Hypertension                           No history of epilepsy                           No history of TB and

65 year old female with uncontrolled diabetes

 A 65 year old female presented to the department on 15th august with chief complaints of decreases Appetite ,weakness and vomiting since 6 days. HOPI : She was having the same complaint since 6 months.She had vomiting immediately after food intake.Vomiting was non bilious and non projectile.  She also complained of onset of fever every evening and would last for 4 -5 days and would subside after taking paracetamol.She was admitted 6 months ago with complaints of fever and urinary incontinence.On investigating it was found that her serum creatinine levels were increased and was diagnosed with kidney disease. She also complained of hypersomnia since 6 months.There is significant weight loss. Past History: She was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes mellitus 20 years ago.And she takes insulin injection twice a day.                      She was also diagnosed with hypertension 6 months ago. Family history: No significant family history Personal History: Mixed diet